Director, Producer, Educator, Artist.
​As an artist, I am drawn to pieces of theatre that are poetic— rich with visual imagery and which possess moments of great beauty in the midst of tremendous hardship or heartbreak. These plays, like real life, capture my heart because they bare my own struggle to understand the mysterious journey of life and make me feel deeply connected to the larger human community.
I work in a variety of theatrical genres and hold particular interest in plays that live amidst the Theatre of Social Conscience, Magical Realism, Solo Performance, and Farce.
As a director, my productions are noted for their ensemble unity and exceptional production integrity—each one directed with clearly-pointed dramatic action and crisp, poignant staging; my work is impactful, visually rich—at times stunning, and always emotionally genuine.
I possess a deep and developed commitment to artistic excellence, with preparation and collaboration being an integral part of my approach. I am well-prepared and thoughtfully researched at all stages of the production process. I work closely with my colleagues and trust their talents and instincts. At the design table and inside the rehearsal room I am fueled by the sharing and clarifying of ideas, and incorporate the insights of my colleagues to create vibrant, unified, and moving productions.
Acting Directing Educator, Stage Director, Theatre Director, Meisner Technique, Theatre Professor, SDC Director,